Sherman Milquetoast:
Sherman Milquetoast is a traditionalist. He likes to come home from work and receive a kiss from his wife and find dinner on the table. Some would call his thinking prehistoric, but every man likes his castle his way. Sherman comes from a well-to-do family with his father and his father before him both being medical doctors. Suffice it to say there was some disappointment when young Sherman began studying child psychology. This disappointment quickly vanished after three published best sellers including,My Inner Child Thinks You're Cool," Im My Own Person And So Are You, and How To Say 'I Love You Son.'" This was followed by several awards for break through techniques in parent/child communication. Mr. Milquetoast comes with a certain amount of pompous attitude due to his success, and is overly critical of his son. After all, how can Zak not be perfect coming from such extraordinary genes?
Zak, Sasha, and all related characters are the copyrighted creative property of Rob Olson 2002.
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